PHOTO: Villa Soleada F.C. Boys Team
We participated in a boys soccer tournament in the Centenario Village. We lost all 3 games, but the kids had a blast!
PHOTO: Kevin is the lucky winner!
Kevin Colon from the University of Kentucky SHH Chapter won this painting by Julio Cesar in our evening raffle. Thanks Kevin for supporting Julio Cesar's dream!
PHOTO: Our Organic Garden!
Don Ramon and the boys have been growing cucumbers and other vegetables in our budding organic garden!
How Volunteers Are Offsetting Their Carbon Footprint
Volunteers - like Zach from Wake Forest University above - can purchase a small tree for a few dollars and plant them in one of the villages we work with. This allows us to offset a significant amount of the carbon footprint we produce by traveling to Honduras. This week, we planted papaya trees, banana trees, coconut trees, orange trees, lemon trees, avocado trees, and a few others (I can't remember what else, we planted so many).